Welcome to the Raines National Alumni Association Family.
Your submission of the membership form confirms your support of this organization. As one of only a hand-full
of high school alumni associations in the United States, we look forward to you supporting our efforts and goals
for “Keeping Raines Relevant” in the Jacksonville community.
The strength of any organization lies in the resolve of its members to be actively involved with their time,
talents, or financial resources. Without the assistance from one or all of these resources, we face a legacy that
becomes a distant memory in the history of this city and the state of Florida.
Thank you for membership, and please pass the word to other alumni about joining the “family”.
Sincerely yours,
W. Earl Kitchings, President
RNAA Board of Directors
Become a LIFETIME Member of the Raines National Alumni Association TODAY, IT’S FREE!!
Complete the membership form, submit it, and you’re a MEMBER. It’s just that easy!
[quform id=”1″ name=”NEW MEMBERSHIP FORM”]
RNAA | P.O. BOX 4244 | JACKSONVILLE, FL 32203 | RainesNationalAlumni.org